
hey..teman, salam kenal...aku maw critain ttg 02 atomku. kemarin 25 april sudah tamat riwayatnya. dimulai pada pagi hari sampai jam 10 masih normal seperti biasanya. trus posisi 02 mengunci, kemudian pas aku maw pake tentunya harus unlock...nah pada saat aku pencet unlock ternyata nga ada respon sama sekali. tentunya mengherankan aneh bin fulan...sampai pada akhirnya aku cabut batrenya,pasang lagi dan restart lagi tetap nga ada reaksi/males bereaksi? ttp unlock...!!!!. terus aku ulang lagi tetap nga ada reaksi, tetap mengunci.(pa kurang sajen ya..? krn binggung udah nanya keteman,termasuk cakra 2 loh.. dll tetap masalah belum terselesaikan .... akhirnya dengan seijin komandan Made (namanya Made tp bukan orang bali loh dia asli Klaten... )aku meluncur ke mall ambasador untuk menyelesaikan masalah tanpa masalah...(kayak pegadaian ya...) ttp sampe ditpt servis tukang servisnya bilang ini harus di seting ulang dengan tingkat keberhasilan cuma 10%. karena kata servisernya udah nga ada jalan lain lagi....(padahal byk jalan keroma loh..) akhirnya aku setuju...ternyata setelah diseting ulang dan hasilnya adalah: GATOT/gagal total. servicer bilang kena screennya alias hrs diservis dengan catatan pula, kalo screennya udah diganti bisa merembet ke layarnya atau systemnyapun bisa kena. dengan embel2 biaya total yg aduhai... akhirnya aku tawarkan agar dibeli aja... tawarannya sangat mengejutkan..yaitu 300rb..nga mau nambah dikitpun walo untuk ongkos parkir sekalipun...gimana yah? jual nga....?? setelah tanya sana sini ketoko yg laen juga nga berani beli terpaksa balik lagi ketempat servis semula dan pulang membawa duit 300rb...dari harga beli rp.2.700.000 masa pake 6 bln...gimana? ada komentar...???? tetep aja masih bilang: "untung masih laku.....!!!"

Seting voucer indosat internet


Makin Bebas Ber-Internet Dengan Voucher Internet. Kini pengguna Mentari dan IM3 dapat ber-internet ria lebih leluasa dengan Voucher Internet, voucher khusus dari Indosat yang pulsanya hanya bisa digunakan untuk akses internet/data. Voucher Internet Indosat ini adalah voucher internet pertama yang pernah ada di indonesia. Dengan Voucher Internet, surfing, browsing, downloading, uploading, e-mail, sampai chatting jadi lebih murah dan menyenangkan, cumaRp 10/30 detikdengan kecepatan sampai dengan 256 Kbps!

Saat ini Voucher Internet tersedia di outlet-outlet dalam bentuk elektronik dengan denominasi Rp 5.000 untuk masa aktif 5 hari. Voucher ini dapat digunakan untuk mengakses internet berbasis durasi selama 250 menit.

Mekanisme Pemakaian Pulsa GPRS

Bagi pengguna Mentari / IM3 yang memanfaatkan layanan akses internet via GPRS, maka pulsa yang akan dipotong terlebih dahulu adalah pulsa dari account Pulsa GPRS, setelah itu account Pulsa REGULER. Pemakaian pulsa dihitung dalam 'menit' dengan satu unit pemakaian = 30 detik.


*.Pulsa GPRS = 250 menit. untuk akses internet selama 60 detik. Maka sisa Pulsa GPRS = 249 menit. *.Kemudian akses internet lagi selama 45 detik. Maka sisa Pulsa GPRS = 248 menit. *.Kemudian akses internet lagi selama 90 detik. Maka sisa Pulsa GPRS = 246,5 menit.

Setting Untuk mengaktifkan layanan ini, pastikan setting GPRS Kartu Anda menggunakan setting berbasis durasi:

APN : indosatgprs

Username : indosat@durasi

Password : indosat@durasi

Setelah melakukan pengisian, pengguna Mentari/IM3 akan memperoleh SMS notifikasi seperti contoh sebagai berikut: Pengguna Mentari, dapat melakukan pengecekan pulsa GPRS dengan menekan*555*1# Pengguna IM3, dapat melakukan pengecekan pulsa GPRS dengan menekan*388*1#

Syarat dan Ketentuan:

  1. Berlaku untuk akses internet dengan setting GPRS berbasis durasi.
  2. Bila pelanggan menggunakan setting GPRS berbasis volume, akses internet akan memotong Pulsa Regular pada main account (Rp 1/Kb) walau sudah melakukan isi ulang dengan Voucher Internet.
  3. Pengisian Pulsa GPRS akan menambah masa aktif kartu, tetapi masa aktif Pulsa GPRS tidak bersifat akumulatif (yang mana masa aktif paling lama).
  4. Koneksi internet akan terputus jika Pulsa GPRS habis.
  5. Sisa Pulsa GPRS akan hangus jika pelanggan tidak melakukan reload Voucher Internet sebelum masa aktif Pulsa GPRS berakhir.
  6. Khusus pelanggan Mentari, Pulsa GPRS akan hangus saat pelanggan melakukan perpindahan paket.
  7. Berlaku mulai 25 November 2008
READ MORE - Seting voucer indosat internet

10 Tanda Kecanduan Facebook


Facebook diluncurkan 4 Februari 2004, situs jejaring sosial facebook sudah memikat jutaan hati penggunanya, perkiraan ampir 150 juta orang sudah ter-register di FACEBOOK. Mulai anak sekolah, ibu rumah tangga, selebriti, hingga politisi. Rasanya, ada yang kurang bila setiap hari tidak masuk ke situs ini dan melakukan aktivitas “facebook-ing”. Manfaat facebook banyak jg sih...tapi ada juga negatifnya, kesibukan mengutak-atik facebook membuat banyak orang kini lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu ketimbang bekerja. Maka beberapa perusahaan mengeblok situs ini di kantor. Nah, apakah kaskukers termasuk dalam orang yang hidupnya mulai dikendalikan facebook? Dibawah ini tanda-tandanya :
  1. Facebook telah menjadi homepage internet di komputer atau laptop.
  2. Mengubah status lebih dari dua kali sehari dan rajin mengomentari perubahan status teman.
  3. Daftar teman sudah melebihi angka 500 orang dan setengahnya hampir tidak dikenal.
  4. Bila sedang jauh dari komputer, mencek facebook melalui BlackBerry, iPhone, atau ponsel pintar lainnya.
  5. Rajin membaca profil teman lebih dari dua kali sehari, meski ia tidak mengirimkan pesan atau men-tag di fotonya.
  6. Mengubah profile foto lebih dari 12 kali.
  7. Membaca artikel ini sambil mencek facebook.
  8. Membersihkan “wall” agar terlihat sudah lama tidak masuk ke fb.
  9. Menjadi anggota lebih dari 10 grup dan merespons setiap undangan meski sebenarnya tak berminat.
  10. Mengubah status hubungan hanya untuk meningkatkan popularitas di facebook.
Tuh diantara orang yang sudah kecanduan FACEBOOK....pasti masih banyak lagi...tapi apa kaskukers termasuk dalam "FACEBOOK-HOLIC" berhati-hatilah........ http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=1599561
READ MORE - 10 Tanda Kecanduan Facebook



Meniru kreasi goresan pencil dan sapuan kuas seperti layaknya seniman profesional ternyata dapat dilakukan pada photoshop. Pelajari cara memberikan efek goresan pencil yang klasik nan cantik pada koleksi foto digital favoritmu. 1. Buka foto pada kanvas Buka foto yang telah anda siapkan dari menu file-open. sebaiknya mengunakan foto berlatar belakang gelap yang kontras gengan obyek agar efek yang akan dihasilkan terlihat dengan jelas. Tekan Ctrl - J untuk mencipatakan layer Background copy diatas layer background. 2. Buat area seleksi Klik pada icon Elliptical Marquee Tool dan gunakan kursor anda untuk menarik benda elips melingkupi seluruh gambar seperti dicontoh diatas. Berikutnya masuklah pada tab channel dan klik pada icon New Channel yang akan muncul default Alpha 1. Beikutnya masuk ke Edit File dan pilih opsi White untuk mengisi area seleksi. 3. Tambahkan filter Filter pertama yang digunakan adalah noise. Tanpa menghilangkan area seleksi, klik Filter Noise dengan pengaturan : 25%. Distribution : Uniform, Mono-chromatic: On, klik OK. Selanjutnya aplikasikan filter-Brush Stroke-Angled Stroke dengan pengaturan Direction balance: 10, Stroke length: 44, sharpness: 10. 4. Kembali ke layer Klik pada tab layerdan aktifkan layer Background Copy dengan mengkliknya. Berikutnya pilih Select-Load Selection dengan memilih parameter Document: Nama Document, Channel: Alpha 1, klik OK. Kemudian pilih seleck-Inverse dan tekan Delete pada keyboard anda dengan layer Background Copy aktif. 5.Bekerja pada channel alpha 2 pilih layer backgroun dan buat area seleksi dengan Elliptical marquie Tool. Masuk pada tab Channel dan buat channel baru dengan nama alpha 2. Pada channel ini aplikasikan Select-Feather dengan para merter Feathher Radius: 20 pixels. klik OK. Kemudian masuk ke menu Select inverse. Berikutnya isi warna putih dari Edit-Fill-White. Seperti tadi, beri noise dari Filter-add noise dengan amount: 8, Distribution: Strokes-Angled dengan Direction Balance: 83, Stroke Lenght: 44 dan Sharpness: 10. 6. Menimbulkan efek goresan Kembali kepalet layer dan klik pada layer Background. Pilih Selectiom dengan parameter Document: Nama Document, Channel: Alpha 2, klik OK. Pilih select-inverse dan isi dengan warna putih dari menu Edit-Fill-White. Sekali lagi balik selct-Inverse dan isi lagi denagn warna putih. Dengan menkjubkan, efek goresan pencil akan nampat di foto anda. 7. Sebelum adn sesudah Bekerja dengan channel sepintas akan terlihat sedikit sukar pada awalnya, namun, pengunaan channel ini dengan tepat dan sangat memberikan hasil yangsangat menesankan. Selain itu anda tidak perlu dibinggungkan oleh banyaknya layer pada satu palet saja. Efek ini walo sederhana namun sukses memberikan kesan berbeda pada foto yang sama. Jika anda ingin berkreasi anda dapat mencoba dengan warna-warna yang lain untuk menciptakan nuansa berbeda. SELAMAT MENCOBA....

Vitamin B and Weight Loss


There is a link between vitamin B and weight loss. Yet there are also many myths about weight loss and the role which vitamin B plays. Let’s put all the facts together and explain how vitamin B interacts with losing weight.

Connection between Vitamin B and Weight Loss

The human body requires 13 vitamins, and eight of these essential vitamins are from the B-complex group. B-complex vitamins are absolutely essential for necessary metabolic processes such as red blood cell synthesis and the production of energy.

All B-complex vitamins are water soluble. They provide energy from using carbohydrates and converting them to glucose. B-complex vitamins are also essential for the metabolism of proteins and fat. B-complex vitamins work together, so it is important to take them all at the same time. Vitamin B and weight loss go hand in hand, but only when all forms of vitamin B are taken together.

Various Forms of Vitamin B

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B-1 is required for the proper metabolism of starch and sugar in order to provide energy to the body. B-1 helps to effectively maintain a healthy nervous system. B-1 also helps the heart and other muscles function properly.

High levels of stress greatly increase the necessity for B1. B1 can be taken in foods such as whole wheat, bran, soybeans, meats and molasses. Alcohol inhibits the effective absorption of B1. B1 is effective with B-complex, B2, niacin, vitamin C, folic acid, Manganese, and vitamin E.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 helps the thyroid function properly and takes care of your metabolism. Vitamin B2 is crucial for the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. B2 is necessary for the repair of skin, hair and nails. Vitamimin deficiency and dry skin are related.

B2 also provides energy to the body. People who exercise daily are actually losing B2 by using up their supply of the vitamin. If you’re looking to boast your dietary B2 intake, milk, cheese, eggs, almonds, whole grains and vegetables are very effective sources.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B3 aids in the normal maintenance of thyroid hormone production. Reliable dietary sources of vitamin B3 include tuna, turkey, chicken, wheat bran, eggs, meat, cheese, oats, dried fruit, and brown rice.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Vitamin B5 is essential for generating energy in the body. Since energy is required for exercise, vitamin B5 plays an important role in weight loss. Reliable dietary sources of vitamin B5 include meat, chicken, eggs, beans, wheat bran, wholegrain bread, and green vegetables. A fruit and vegetable diet is a great way to increase vitamin B5 intake.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 plays an integral role in the metabolism of fats, particularly fatty acids which are unsaturated. Vitamin B6 helps with the regulation and production of the thyroid. B6 ensures the proper functioning of the metabolism system.

Vitamin B6 helps with the production of hydrochloric acid, and is necessary for the metabolism of many amino acids. Whole grains, bananas, chicken, beef, eggs, avocados, dried fruit and molasses are a great source of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is involved in the metabolism of virtually every cell in the body. Though specific Vitamin B12 information  can be difficult to find, most significantly, B12 affects DNA regulation and synthesis. B12 also affects the synthesis of fatty acids and the production of energy.

B12 is necessary for digestion, protein synthesis, absorption of foods, and the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. There are many food supplemens for vitamin B12 deficiency, Vitamin B12 can be obtained by eating meat, fish and eggs.

B Group Vitamins

  • Thiamin
    • Thiamin helps convert glucose into energy in the body.
    • Thiamin also plays an integral role in nerve function.
  • Riboflavin
    • Riboflavin is mainly involved in energy metabolism.
  • Niacin
    • Niacin is required for the body to metabolize fat, carbohydrates and alcohol to produce energy.
    • Niacin is usually not lost during the cooking process, unlike most other B group vitamins.
  • Biotin
    • Biotin is required for energy metabolism, amino acid metabolism, fat synthesis and glycogen synthesis.
  • Pyridoxine
    • Pyridoxine is required for protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Folate
    • Folate is required to form red blood cells.
  • Cyanocobalamin
    • Cyanocobalamin is involved in breaking down fatty acids and amino acids for the purpose of producing energy.
READ MORE - Vitamin B and Weight Loss

Top Water Conservation Tips

  • 1. No drips
A dripping faucet can waste 20 gallons of water a day. A leaking toilet can use 90,000 gallons of water in a month. Get out the wrench and change the washers on your sinks and showers, or get new washerless faucets. Keeping your existing equipment well maintained is probably the easiest and cheapest way to start saving water.
  • 2. Install new fixtures
New, low-volume or dual flush toilets, low-flow showerheads, water-efficient dishwashers and clothes washing machines can all save a great deal of water and money. Aerators on your faucets can significantly reduce water volume; water-saving showerheads can cut the volume of water used down to 1.2 gallons per minute or less, and some even have a "pause button" to let you stop the water while soaping up or shampooing. Our interns recently pointed out that "spending about $30 on low-flow showerheads and faucets is estimated to save 45 gallons of that 260 gallons of water [used in a typical household per day], almost 18% of your usage. Splurging on a low-flow toilet could save another 50-80 gallons of water a day. Together, those changes nearly cut in half the household's daily use, saving a considerable amount of water – and passing that savings on to your water bill, as well as your water heating bill."
  • 3. Cultivate good water habits
All the water that goes down the drain, clean or dirty, ends up mixing with raw sewage, getting contaminated, and meeting the same fate. Try to stay aware of this precious resource disappearing and turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving and always wash laundry and dishes with full loads. When washing dishes by hand, fill up the sink and turn off the water. Take shorter showers or, as the old joke goes, shower with a friend: Treehugger TV shows you how. To put things in perspective, take a quick look at your next water bill when it arrives. It probably won't be costing you too much, but the average household consumes multiple thousands of gallons each month. See if you can make this number go down. If you're the graphing type, go nuts.
  • 4. Stay off the bottle
By many measures, bottled water is a scam. In most first-world countries, the tap water is provided by a government utility and is tested regularly. (You can look up your water in the National Tap Water Quality Database) Taste tests have shown that in many municipalities, tap water actually tastes better. Bottled water is not as well regulated and studies have shown that it is not even particularly pure. A four-year study of bottled water in the U.S. conducted by NRDC found that one-fifth of the 103 water products tested contained synthetic organic chemicals such as the neurotoxin xylene and the possible carcinogen and neurotoxin styrene. (Grist) Much bottled water doesn"t come from a "Artesian springs" and is just tap water anyhow. (Coca-Cola adds salt to its Dasani water to make it taste better, just like fast food.) Not only is it more expensive per gallon than gasoline, bottled water incurs a huge carbon footprint from its transportation, and the discarded bottles are a blight. It's no wonder that some people even think it’s a sin. If you want to carry your water with you, get a bottle and fill it. (Look here for some advise on durable, non-toxic container options.) If your water at home tastes funny, try an activated charcoal or ceramic filter. Here is a comparison of home-use water filters from Grist.
  • 5. Go beyond the lawn
Naturalize it using locally appropriate plants that are hardy and don't need a lot of water. If you have to water, do it during the coolest part of the day or at night to minimize evaporation. Here is a useful calculator to figure out landscape water use. Xeriscaping is a method of landscaping that utilizes only native and low water plants. It is an especially appropriate approach for states like California and Arizona where people often plant lawns like they live in Florida despite living in the desert.
  • 6. Harvest your rainwater
Put a rain barrel on your downspouts and use this water for irrigation. Rain cisterns come in all shapes and sizes ranging from larger underground systems to smaller, freestanding ones. Some even glow!
  • 7. Harvest your greywater
Water that has been used at least once but is still clean enough for other jobs is called greywater. Water from sinks, showers, dishwashers, and clothes washers are the most common household examples. (Toilet water is often called "blackwater" and needs a different level of treatment before it can be reused.) Greywater can be recycled with practical plumbing systems like the Aqus, or with simple practices such as emptying the fish tank in the garden instead of the sink. The bottom line? One way or another, avoid putting water down the drain when you can use it for something else.
  • 8. At the car wash
Car washes are often more efficient than home washing and treat their water rather than letting it straight into the sewer system. But check to make sure that they clean and recycle the water. Better yet, try the waterless car wash. If you live in Manchester, the Levenshulme Baptist Church is recycling water from its Baptistery pool for charity car washes http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/08/baptismal_water.php .
  • 9. Keep your eyes open
Report broken pipes, open hydrants, and excessive waste. Don't be shy about pointing out leaks to your friends and family members, either. They might have tuned out the dripping sound a long time ago.
  • 10. Don't spike the punch
Water sources have to be protected. In many closed loop systems like those in cities around the Great Lakes, waste water is returned to the Lake that fresh water comes out of. Don't pour chemicals down drains, or flush drugs down toilets; it could come back in diluted form in your water.
READ MORE - Top Water Conservation Tips

10 Best Foods for Your Heart


Start your day with a steaming bowl of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. This fiber-rich superfood can lower levels of LDL (or bad) cholesterol and help keep arteries clear. Opt for coarse or steel-cut oats over instant varieties—which contain more fiber—and top your bowl off with a banana for another 4 grams of fiber.

Try this recipe: Chai Oatmeal


Super-rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can effectively reduce blood pressure and keep clotting at bay. Aim for two servings per week, which may reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack by up to one-third. "Salmon contains the carotenoid astaxanthin, which is a very powerful antioxidant," says cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, the author of Lower Your Blood Pressure In Eight Weeks. But be sure to choose wild salmon over farm-raised fish, which can be packed with insecticides, pesticides, and heavy metals. Not a fan of salmon? Other oily fish like mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines will give your heart the same boost.

Try this recipe: Salmon Scallopini with Almond Orz Avocado Add a bit of avocado to a sandwich or spinach salad to up the amount of heart-healthy fats in your diet. Packed with monounsaturated fat, avocados can help lower LDL levels while raising the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. "Avocados are awesome," says Dr. Sinatra. "They allow for the absorption of other carotenoids —especially beta-carotene and lycopene—which are essential for heart health." Try this recipe: Shrimp, Grapefruit, and Avocado Salad Olive oil Full of monounsaturated fats, olive oil lowers bad LDL cholesterol and reduces your risk of developing heart disease. Results from the Seven Countries Study, which looked at cardiovascular disease incidences across the globe, showed that while men in Crete had a predisposition for high cholesterol levels, relatively few died of heart disease because their diet focused on heart-healthy fats found in olive oil. Look for extra-virgin or virgin varieties—they're the least processed—and use them instead of butter when cooking. Try this recipe: Shrimp With Garlic in Olive Oil Nuts Almonds, walnuts, and macadamia nuts are all full of omega-3 fatty acids and mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Almonds are rich in omega-3s, plus nuts increase fiber in the diet, says Dr. Sinatra. "And like olive oil, they are a great source of healthy fat." Try this recipe: Honey-Glazed Marcona Almonds Berries Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries—whatever berry you like best—are full of anti-inflammatories, which reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. "Blackberries and blueberries are especially great," says Sinatra. "But all berries are great for your vascular health." Try this recipe: Angelic Berry Trifle Legumes Fill up on fiber with lentils, chickpeas, and black and kidney beans. They're packed with omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and soluble fiber. Try this recipe: Triple Bean Salad Spinach Spinach can help keep your ticker in top shape thanks to its stores of lutein, folate, potassium, and fiber. But upping your servings of any veggies is sure to give your heart a boost. The Physicians' Health Study examined more than 15,000 men without heart disease for a period of 12 years. Those who ate at least two-and-a-half servings of vegetables each day cut their risk of heart disease by about 25%, compared with those who didn't eat the veggies. Each additional serving reduced risk by another 17%. Try this recipe: Seasoned Spinach Flaxseed Full of fiber and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, a little sprinkling of flaxseed can go a long way for your heart. Top a bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain cereal with a smidgen of ground flaxseed for the ultimate heart-healthy breakfast. Try this recipe: Hearty Multigrain Bread Soy Soy may lower cholesterol, and since it is low in saturated fat, it's still a great source of lean protein in a heart-healthy diet. Look for natural sources of soy, like edamame, tempeh, or organic silken tofu. And soy milk is a great addition to a bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain cereal. But watch the amount of salt in your soy: some processed varieties like soy dogs can contain added sodium, which boosts blood pressure. Try this recipe: Edamame Couscous
READ MORE - 10 Best Foods for Your Heart